Smoke-free Certified™
Smoke-free Certified™ is the global business certification for 100% smoke free environments.
World No Tobacco Day™
In support of the World Health Organization’s World No Tobacco Day, we empower organizations globally to adopt tobacco control.
Global Wellness Forum™
The global gathering of thought leaders and government agencies tasked with delivering wellness worldwide.
Global Wellness Awards™
Recognizing excellence and leadership in wellness and promoting volunteerism and deeper engagement across the community.
The Gift of Wellness Pledge™
There’s no better to way to give and honor the opportunities that we had, than by giving the opportunity of wellness to those who need them the most.
The Sleep Institute™
We work with a panel of sleep experts to discover and share the art and science behind a good, restful sleep.
Clear Water Initiative™
We support the water filtration and delivery industry by testing and authenticating their efforts.
Workplace Wellness Certification™
Going beyond occupational health to inculcating comprehensive wellness at workplaces to increase productivity and employee engagement.